About Me

Hi! I'm Mia, and my goal is to lose 5 pounds a month for the entire year of 2011 using Wii Fit Plus as my guide. I started this journey on January 2, 2011. That's right... I have to lose 5 pounds by February 2. This is my story...

2004: I was in college and weighed 160 pounds (keep in mind that I am supposedly supposed to weigh about 140 pounds). I slowly began to pick up terrible eating habits from college friends, and when I left college in 2004 I found myself 15 pounds heavier, at a total of 175 pounds.

The 15 pound gain really hit me when I attended a funeral and my great aunt patted me on the stomach and said, "You better be careful, girl." First of all, I was shocked that anyone would ever be so honest, but at the same time, I realized it was getting out of hand.

Early 2005: My boyfriend and I made a small bet as to who could lose the most weight in 2 weeks. So, I made some bad food choices and exercised a lot. In one week I lost 4 pounds, but it stopped there. I quit.

June 2005: I took a job that required me to stand most of the time, but not 100% of the time. I held the job for 1 1/2 years, and I ended up losing 20 pounds without even trying. I didn't exercise much, I ate whatever I wanted to, but I was very active. I walked a lot in the office I worked in, and I travelled out of town almost every weekend to see my boyfriend. Even today, I try to think, "How could I lose weight so easily when I ate anything I wanted?" A few answers were the fact that there were no vending machines and I never had snacks available in the office. Only water and some M&Ms my boss kept in a jar for us (though, I didn't eat very many of them). I lived at home at the time, and my parents only drank diet sodas, so that's mostly what I consumed. Also, I was too poor to go out and buy my own groceries, so I ate whatever my parents had in the cabinets.

January 2007: I left again for more college. My weight was stable from January-April, and my photographs proved it. I looked fit and great! BUT... my eating habits soon changed.

August 2007-May 2009: Throughout college, I never owned a scale, so I never could keep track of my weight. Now, I know the importance. By the time I graduated in May, I figured that I weighed about 180.

In late 2009 I was married, weighing in at 180, as I did check my weight around that time.

Early 2010: A much needed doctor's appointment found me on a scale in front of the nurse, uttering to myself, "My shoes and clothes must be accounting for the 9 pound gain!" You know how we all rationalize.

June 2010: I began begging my husband for us to buy an elliptical. I drove him insane, and he said he did not want to put a lot of money in something he didn't think I'd use. He insisted we find a used one on Craig's List.... and that's what we did.

We found a nice elliptical for $300 and toted it home. We put it in our bedroom, because it was far too heavy for us to carry upstairs. I used it for 2 months straight (I may have missed 3 - 5 days of use), until one day... it broke. A piece of metal on the inside cracked, rendering it unusable. We talked about having it welded, but soon realized the piece that needed fixing would take a professional to fix (aka more money spent to pay someone to fix it). We hung our heads, and let the elliptical cover with dust. Just the other day, we took it apart and got rid of it. I'm still bitter about it, because I looked forward to sweating my butt off in the evenings. I burned 700 calories in just under 40 minutes. I was truly happy while it lasted.

November 2010: I decided to break down and buy a scale as I began counting my food by tallying Weight Watchers points....

I did Weight Watchers for about 1 month, but couldn't do it anymore because I constantly felt hungry during the daytime. It affected my mood, and I began to realize how meaningful it was to be full.

I would determine exactly what to eat, but tried to squeeze in 3/4 of my points for dinner. So, from 2:30pm-7:00pm I would be in pain from my stomach growling so much. I do hope to attempt to pick up the WW again, though, this time with better food choices.

January 2, 2011: I plugged up my Wii Fit Plus, and decided that I would exercise every day I am home. The first day I weight in, I was at 188.5 pounds, and my weight even increased over the next 3 days due to a dessert I learned to make (which I will never make again). Once I quit eating the dessert, my weight began going down.

Today: I am a 27 year old female, 5'7", and I weigh approximately 185 pounds {gulp}. As you know, weight fluctuates, and with my job, I only weigh in the evening. My lowest weight has been 184.4, even though the lowest weight on my bathroom scale has been 185.1.

I work Monday-Friday at an 8am-5pm job where I sit at a desk all day. I love the fact that my job isn't physically demanding, but I also hate the fact that my job isn't physically demanding. I have co-workers who go walking at 2pm or 3pm, but, I hate sweating while I'm on the job.

I also do not do gym memberships. That would be a waste of money. I am a home body. I like to work, and sweat it out my house, and await my husband to get home. At home, I can watch movies, or do whatever I want to do, and it's not ruled by some gym. In addition, exercising at home means I can do it at any time, and I don't have to drive to another location.

Since Wii Fit Plus is my primary source of exercise, I am sticking with it, and hoping it can lead me to at least 5 pounds of weight loss per month.

Here, I will share with you the foods I eat, when I exercise, the exercises I do, and hopefully we can all benefit from this experiment.